Please scroll down for details on the following roles:
- EPICA: English for Professional International Communication in the Arts
- Tianjin Juilliard, China - Director of English
Southampton Solent University - Senior Lecturer in Popular Music
- Breakaway Songstorm - International Songwriting Workshop Programme
- Coda Music Trust - Singing Group and Workshop Leader, Consultant/Advisor
- Higher Education Quality Roles - SSU and External Examiner Roles
- International Teaching and Development - Projects, Visits and Strategic Relationships
With over 25 years’ experience in music education, this page outlines my experience in education management and teaching, including the role as the inaugural Director of English at Tianjin Juilliard, the senior lectureship at Southampton Solent University, a range of related Higher Education projects (quality roles and international teaching) and an outline of external and freelance roles including the international songwriting workshop programme, Breakaway Songstorm, and projects with charitable foundation, the Coda Music Trust.
Throughout these projects, music and language education are delivered not just as a creative pursuit, but also as a vehicle for personal and professional development with a keen focus on areas such as team building, social values, international collaboration, community development, cultural and stylistic fusion, professional practices and development of English as a foreign language.
TIANJIN JUILLIARD, CHINA (2019-22) Director of English
Tianjin Juilliard is the first and only branch campus of the world-leading Juilliard School in New York, opening in 2020. Specific responsibilities as the inaugural Director of English included:
- Creation of the English department (10 staff + 8 interns by 2022)
- Admissions and quality framework in line with US regulations
- Graduate English curricula for the Master's program
- Foundation programs and feeder routes to graduate study
- Pre-College English preparing students for Higher Education in music
- Integration of language support into the academic curriculum
- Campus-wide immersive English language environment.
The English foundation programs allowed Tianjin Juilliard to triple admissions in the first two cycles – a crucial factor in achieving the threshold for forming the essential ensembles for the flagship MMus Orchestral Studies program.
Senior Lecturer in Popular Music, 2009-2018
- Performance, Songwriting, Research and Professional Studies
- Top-Up Leader with program and course leadership responsibilities
- Course leader for final year Major Projects for BA (Hons) Popular
Music Performance and BA (Hons) Popular Music Production
- Development of the Songwriting provision across the music scheme
- International Co-ordinator (incl. Erasmus) for the School of Media
- Development of external professional opportunities for SSU
students including performance, education, production,
international, youth and community projects
- Extensive international teaching, quailty and panel roles (see below)
(partnership with Paul Statham)
A range of International Residential Songwriting Workshops for professional musicians, songwriters and music enthusiasts in a range of inspiring locations:
(for professional songwriters in Norway, Germany and the UK)
(for songwriters, semi-professionals and enthusiasts in
Italy, Spain and the UK):
See you at the next Breakaway Songstorm!!!
CODA MUSIC TRUST (2005-2018)
Christchurch, BH23 5QL
- Leader of Coda Community Singing Group (2005-present)
- Design and delivery of Music Cauldron Songwriting
and Group Performance provision
- Leader of Coda Rock and Pop Summer Academy (2010-2015)
- Workshop Leader and host for Cultural Olympiad Project with Sura Susso (2012) and Songs for Wild Horses
with Nils Økland and Øyvind Skarbø (2015)
- Consultant-adviser on creative music education provision
- Inset Training provider (Pop-Rock Keyboard Skills,
Teaching Improvisation)
- Improvisation Workshop for Coda Youth Orchestra
- Course Design and Validations @SSU:
MA Songwriting and a wide range of BA music programmes
- Academic Representative:
Faculty Board and HEA Fellowship Panel (Teaching Accreditation)
- External Examiner:
Open University, University of South Wales, The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (ICMP) and Cork School of Music
- Validation Panel External: Birmingham City University, LCCM (OU)
- Internal Panel Member on course validation events across a range of disciplines including Graphic Design, English Joint Honours and an extensive multi-discipline programme for satellite delivery in Malaysia
Development and maintenance of International Progression Routes and collaborations with institutions across Europe